Valentina Murabito
Born 1981 in Giarre, Italy
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany
In her pictures, Murabito creates "in-between-creatures" that do not fit into any determined category, hybrids between man and woman, human and animal. She plays with gender roles and questions the term of identity. She experiments with analog photography, for instance, by dissolving the photographic surface in order to mold it like a skin or break it like dry earth.
Mitternachtsflucht, 2023
Analoge s/w Fotografie, Handabzug auf weissem Beton-Block, Epohidharz
47x27x3 cm
Oro | Gold, 2022
Analog black and white photography, hand printed on brass, wood, bitumen, unique print
100 x 70 x 3 cm | 39.37 x 27.56 x 1.18 in